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Customize your own robot face and Body:

Want your own look on your robot? We will create any character, with unique face and body design from your wishes.Female, Male or Trans robots. (No Child or animal characters.)

Your character will host the most technologically advanced robotically automated 'skeleton' which is controlled by the latest robotic MCU's and GPU's inside.

Hight:  150-190cm

Skin color: optional

Eye Color: optional

Hair: Optional/Changeable

Automation: Customizable


As 'she' has very realistic attractive human looks, but never grows old, her design is timeless and her A.I. is endlessly upgradeable so your humanoid product will never outgrow you.

Custom realistic adult humanoid service robot by Lux Botics


A New robot is production Ready and available for pre-order:

Niki is a sweet and good looking adult female robot standing 165cm tall. Soft and nicely detailed and very realistic. Highest quality of materials and newest innovative technolgy, inside and out.

Niki hosts the most technologically advanced robotically automated 'skeleton' which is controlled by latest robotic computer inside.

Hight:  165 cm

Skin color: optional

Eye Color: optional

Hair: Optional/Changeable

Automation: Customisable

As 'she' has very realistic attractive human looks, but never grows old, her design is timeless and her A.I. is endlessly upgradeable so Niki is a product you will never out grow.

Niki, super realistic adult humanoid service robot by Lux Botics (luxbotics)

'Humanoid News'

Freckled young foxy female in casual outfit, has amazed look, indicates with fore finger a

Stay tuned to find out where to see it!

2 full sized robots have been 
ordered to a big museum in


Special orders

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